Grief Coaching

In the haze of grief, in the confusion and overwhelm, you know there is a life filled with love and meaning beyond the fog.

I work with people who have experienced significant loss - significant as defined by you and your experience.

Together, we explore your grief with compassion so that you can find ways to co-exist with it, develop tools and strategies that help you make sense of it, and re-build your life around it.

How can I support you? 

A six week one-on-one coaching intensive

An opportunity to explore your grief, as it emerges - unfiltered and unstructured. We let your journey lead and dive into as it comes - accepting it for the beauty it is. Grief is love.

Investment: $1111

The signature
Loss to Legacy Method

A 12 week coaching journey exploring all facets of your grief, integrating the tools and strategies that best support you, and the re-envisioning of life after loss.

Investment: $2222


  • Coaching means partnering with you in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to maximize your personal and professional potential. The process of coaching often unlocks previously untapped sources of imagination, productivity and leadership.

    Grief coaching means partnering with you as you re-adjust to life after a significant loss. It means helping you tap into your own resilience and wisdom and supporting you as you re-envision life - it might not be the life you wanted, but it’s still yours.

    (Source: definition adapted from ICF coaching definition).

  • Like therapy and counselling, coaching can support your wellness, well-being and mental health.

    Coaching, however, focuses on visioning, success, the present and moving toward the future. Therapy emphasizes psychopathology, emotions and the past to understand the present, and it works more with developing skills for managing emotions or past issues than does coaching.

    (Source: ICF Website)

  • Let’s hop on a call and find out!

    In my experience, coaching is a wonderful support and tool when you are ready for forward action. You don’t have to know what that action is but it is important to feel like you’re ready to move forward with life.

    A note for grievers here. I don’t see moving forward and moving on as the same thing. In grief, there has been a pervasive narrative that we need to move on with life. I don’t agree with that narrative. I work with you to move forward with your grief because when a loved one dies, we don’t sever our connection with them. We re-create it.

    In my experience, grief coaching is an effective tool after you are through the early stages of grief.

  • There are a few options.

    You can send me a message to set up a call. These are always no pressure calls - if it’s not a fit, that’s ok.

    You can subscribe to my newsletter to get the latest updates and my Dear Maria series.

    You can get on my waitlist for new programs (see The Grief Collective link at the top of the page).

Get in touch.